SAML 2.0 / Shibboleth Integration
As a Service Provider we offer the possibility to have a SAML 2.0 / Shibboleth SSO Integration. To get started you can have a look at our default metadata file here: Please note that this metadata file can be adapted if you request different levels of encryption or other customization. The first step would be to give us the URL to your metadata file. Once received, we will set up the endpoint URLs for your integration, connecting them to yoFew readersLTI Canvas Documentation
This document will help you integrate Big Interview as an external app in Canvas using LTI. To integrate Big Interview in Canvas we will provide a CONSUMERKEY and a SHAREDSECRET. In order to add Big Interview as an external application in Canvas please follow these steps: Please go to Settings in Canvas and open the Apps Tab. Click on View App Configurations and then on the Add New App button. We will use the ‘Paste XML’ option. The XML is different for every integration and will bFew readersLegacy Single Sign On
Introduction Approved partners and organizations can use the features, APIs and integrations described in this document to provide a deeper level of integration for their users between their applications and the Big Interview system. Partner API: Getting Started This section describes generating API Keys for authenticating requests, making those requests, and the API endpoints available to your organization. Some of these endpoints go hand-in-hand with our integration guides below. For instFew readers