LTI Canvas Documentation
This document will help you integrate Big Interview as an external app in Canvas using LTI.
To integrate Big Interview in Canvas we will provide a CONSUMER_KEY and a SHARED_SECRET. In order to add Big Interview as an external application in Canvas please follow these steps:
Please go to Settings in Canvas and open the Apps Tab.
Click on View App Configurations and then on the Add New App button.
We will use the ‘Paste XML’ option. The XML is different for every integration and will be provided by us together with the CONSUMER_KEY and SHARED_SECRET. For this configuration we will use an XML sample.
Make sure the Privacy option is set to Public and the custom fields are there. These should be automatically pulled from the XML configuration, but double check just to make sure they are correct.

You have to select “Load in a new tab”, after you add Big Interview to a module.

Everything should be ready to go now and the Big Interview app should open in a new tab. Thank you.
To integrate Big Interview in Canvas we will provide a CONSUMER_KEY and a SHARED_SECRET. In order to add Big Interview as an external application in Canvas please follow these steps:
Please go to Settings in Canvas and open the Apps Tab.
Click on View App Configurations and then on the Add New App button.
We will use the ‘Paste XML’ option. The XML is different for every integration and will be provided by us together with the CONSUMER_KEY and SHARED_SECRET. For this configuration we will use an XML sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cartridge_basiclti_link xmlns="[]("
xmlns:blti = "[]("
xmlns:lticm ="[]("
xmlns:lticp ="[]("
xmlns:xsi = "[]("
xsi:schemaLocation = "[]( [](
[]( [](
[]( [](
[]( [](">
<blti:title>Big Interview</blti:title>
<blti:description>Use Big Interview to learn and practice your interview skills, whether you’re interviewing for a job or graduate school.</blti:description>
<blti:icon></blti:icon> <blti:launch_url>[</blti:launch_url](</blti:launch_url)>
<blti:extensions platform="">
<lticm:property name="tool_id">biginterview</lticm:property>
<lticm:property name="privacy_level">public</lticm:property>
<lticm:property name="domain">[</lticm:property](</lticm:property)>
<cartridge_bundle identifierref="BLTI001_Bundle"/>
<cartridge_icon identifierref="BLTI001_Icon"/>
</cartridge_basiclti_link><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cartridge_basiclti_link xmlns="[]("
xmlns:blti = "[]("
xmlns:lticm ="[]("
xmlns:lticp ="[]("
xmlns:xsi = "[]("
xsi:schemaLocation = "[]( [](
[]( [](
[]( [](
[]( [](">
<blti:title>Big Interview</blti:title>
<blti:description>Use Big Interview to learn and practice your interview skills, whether you’re interviewing for a job or graduate school.</blti:description>
<blti:icon></blti:icon> <blti:launch_url>[</blti:launch_url](</blti:launch_url)>
<blti:extensions platform="">
<lticm:property name="tool_id">biginterview</lticm:property>
<lticm:property name="privacy_level">public</lticm:property>
<lticm:property name="domain">[</lticm:property](</lticm:property)>
<cartridge_bundle identifierref="BLTI001_Bundle"/>
<cartridge_icon identifierref="BLTI001_Icon"/>
Make sure the Privacy option is set to Public and the custom fields are there. These should be automatically pulled from the XML configuration, but double check just to make sure they are correct.

You have to select “Load in a new tab”, after you add Big Interview to a module.

Everything should be ready to go now and the Big Interview app should open in a new tab. Thank you.
Updated on: 21/06/2024
Thank you!